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intialPart Lawyer
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Latvia (latvia) inhabits (inhabits)
LatvianLanguage (latvian language) inhibit (inhibit)
LatvianLats (latvian lats) inhibits (inhibits)
LatvianSignLanguage (latvian sign language) initialList (initial list)
Laughing (laughing) initialPart (initial part)
LaundryService (laundry service) initiallyContainsPart (initially contains part)
LaurentianLanguage (laurentian language) instance (instance)
Law (law) instrument (instrument)
LawEnforcement (law enforcement) insured (insured)
LawFirm (law firm) intelligenceQuotient (intelligence quotient)
LawOfTheSeaConvention (law of the sea convention) interestEarned (interest earned)
Lawn (lawn) interestRatePerPeriod (interest rate per period)
LawnAndGardenEquipmentAndSuppliesStores (lawn and garden equipment and supplies stores) interiorPart (interior part)
LawnAndGardenTractorAndHomeLawnAndGardenEquipmentManufacturing (lawn and garden tractor and home lawn and garden equipment manufacturing) internationalDispute (international dispute)
Lawrencium (lawrencium) internetCountryCode (internet country code)
IntialPart lawyer
Lawyer (lawyer) intialPart (intialPart)
LayingEggs (laying eggs) invadingVirus (invading virus)
LazLanguage (laz language) inventory (inventory)
Lead (lead) inverse (inverse)
LeadAcidWetBattery (lead acid battery) involvedInEvent (involved in event)
LeadIndustry (lead industry) ipAddressOf (ip address of)
LeadManufacturing (lead manufacturing) ipOfDomain (IP of domain)
LeadOre (lead ore) irreflexiveOn (irreflexiveOn)
LeadOreAndZincOreMining (lead ore and zinc ore mining) irrigatedLandArea (irrigated land area)
LeadOreMining (lead ore mining) issuedBy (issued by)
LeadPencilAndArtGoodManufacturing (lead pencil and art good manufacturing) jailer (jailer)
Leader (leader) judge (judge)
LeafSpring (leaf spring) judicialBranch (judicial branch)
LeafyGreenVegetable (leafy green vegetable) keyName (key name)
LeapYear (leap year) knows (knows)
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