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ratingsAgent ReligiousJew
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RelationExtendedToQuantities (relation extended to quantities) punishes (punishes)
RelationalAttribute (relational attribute) purchasesPerPeriod (purchases per period)
RelativeComplementFn (relative complement) qoSSlack (qoS slack)
RelativeTimeFn (relative time) qualifiedExperiment (qualified experiment)
Relay (relay) qualifiedPageView (qualified page view)
RelayAndIndustrialControlManufacturing (relay and industrial control manufacturing) qualifiedTreatment (qualified treatment)
Releasing (releasing) quarter (quarter)
ReliefValve (relief valve) rMProgramOf (rM program-of)
RelievingPain (relieving pain) radius (radius)
ReligiousAttribute (religious attribute) radiusOfMaximumWind (radius of maximum wind)
ReligiousBuilding (religious building) rainfallIntensity (rainfall intensity)
ReligiousBurial (religious burial) rainySeasonInArea (rainy season in area)
ReligiousFigure (religious figure) range (range)
ReligiousFuneral (religious funeral) rangeSubclass (range subclass)
ReligiousGrantmakingCivicProfessionalAndSimilarOrganizations (religious grantmaking civic professional and similar organizations) rateDetail (rate detail)
RatingsAgent religiousJew
ReligiousJew (religious jew) ratingsAgent (ratings agent)
ReligiousMusic (religious music) reactant (reactant)
ReligiousOrganization (religious organization) reagent (reagent)
ReligiousOrganizations (religious organizations) reakabilityAttribute (reakabilityAttribute)
ReligiousPosition (religious position) realGrowthRateOfGDP (real growth rate of GDP)
ReligiousProcess (religious process) realGrowthRateOfGDPInPeriod (real growth rate of GDP in period)
ReligiousService (religious service) realization (realization)
ReligiousWedding (ReligiousWedding) record (record)
RemainderFn (remainder) recordForAgreement (record for agreement)
Remdesivir (Remdesivir) recordingCompany (recording company)
RemediationAndOtherWasteManagementServices (remediation and other waste management services) recordingLength (recording length)
RemediationServices (remediation services) recoveryKey (recovery key)
Remembering (remembering) referee (referee)
Reminding (reminding) referenceTitle (reference title)
RemixFn (remix function) refers (refers)
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