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penetrates PhotographicFilm
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PhosgeneOxime (phosgene oxime) passengerCapacityMaxNumber (passenger capacity max number)
Phosphate (phosphate) password (password)
PhosphateRockMining (phosphate rock mining) pastTense (past tense)
PhosphaticFertilizerManufacturing (phosphatic fertilizer manufacturing) paternalAunt (paternal aunt)
PhosphoricAcid (phosphoric acid) paternalUncle (paternal uncle)
Phosphorus (phosphorus) path (path)
Photocopier (photocopier) pathInSystem (path in system)
Photocopying (photocopying) pathLength (path length)
PhotocopyingService (photocopying service) pathologicSideEffect (pathologic side effect)
Photofinishing (photofinishing) pathologicSymptom (pathologic symptom)
PhotofinishingLaboratoriesExceptOneHour (photofinishing laboratories except one hour) pathologyCandidate (pathologyCandidate)
Photograph (photograph) pathologyTreatment (pathology treatment)
Photographer (photographer) patient (patient)
PhotographicAndPhotocopyingEquipmentManufacturing (photographic and photocopying equipment manufacturing) patientMedical (patient medical)
PhotographicEquipmentAndSuppliesWholesalers (photographic equipment and supplies wholesalers) paymentsPerPeriod (payments per period)
Penetrates photographicFilm
PhotographicFilm (photographic film) penetrates (penetrates)
PhotographicFilmPaperPlateAndChemicalManufacturing (photographic film paper plate and chemical manufacturing) perCapitaGDP (per capita GDP)
PhotographicServices (photographic services) perCapitaGDPInPeriod (per capitaGDP in period)
Photographing (photographing) performanceResult (performance result)
PhotographyStudiosPortrait (photography studios portrait) periodicPayment (periodic payment)
Phrase (phrase) permanentCropLandArea (permanent crop land area)
PhrenicAndLowerIntercostalNerves (phrenic and lower intercostal nerves) permits (permits)
Physical (physical) perpetrator (perpetrator)
PhysicalAddress (physical address) personTransportCapability (person transport capability)
PhysicalAttribute (physical attribute) personalPhoneNumber (personal phone number)
PhysicalDimension (physical dimension) phMeasure (pH measure)
PhysicalDisability (physical disability) phoneNumber (phone number)
PhysicalDisease (physical disease) physicalAmplitude (physical amplitude)
PhysicalDomain (physical domain) physicalDomain (physical domain)
PhysicalGuiding (physical guiding) physicalEnd (physical end)
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