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average Appointing
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AppleMacPro (Mac Pro) associateInOrganization (associate in organization)
AppleMacintoshComputer (Mac) associateWithStatus (associate with status)
AppleMigrationAssistant (Migration Assistant) associatedFunctionality (associated functionality)
AppleOrchard (apple orchard) atTheMoney (at the money)
AppleOrchards (apple orchards) atomicNumber (atomic number)
AppleSafari (Safari) attends (attends)
AppleSetupAssistant (Setup Assistant) attitudeForFormula (attitude for formula)
AppleStore (Apple Store) attitudeForObject (attitude for object)
AppleSystemManagementController (SMC) attorney (attorney)
AppleTV (Apple TV) attribute (attribute)
ApplianceRepairAndMaintenance (appliance repair and maintenance) aunt (aunt)
ApplianceTelevisionAndOtherElectronicsStores (appliance television and other electronics stores) authors (authors)
Application (application) automatedNotification (automated notification)
ApplicationProgrammerInterface (API) availableBalance (available balance)
ApplyingTourniquet (applying a tourniquet) availableCash (available cash)
Average appointing
Appointing (appointing) average (average)
Appraisal (appraisal) averagePrecipitationForPeriod (average precipitation for period)
AppraisalAsAvoidableConsequences (appraisal as avoidable consequences) averageRainfallForPeriod (average rainfall for period)
AppraisalAsBeingAtTheCentreOfAttention (appraisal as being at the centre of attention) averageTemperatureForPeriod (average temperature for period)
AppraisalAsBeingDisliked (appraisal as being disliked) axis (axis)
AppraisalAsBeingLiked (appraisal as being liked) bandwidth (bandwidth of)
AppraisalAsCausedByAnother (appraisal as caused by an other) bankAccount (bank account)
AppraisalAsCausedByChance (appraisal as caused by chance) baptizeddate (baptizedmdate)
AppraisalAsCausedBySelf (appraisal as caused by self) baptizedplace (baptizedplace)
AppraisalAsCausedSupernaturally (appraisal as caused supernaturally) barometricPressure (barometric pressure)
AppraisalAsCongruentWithIdeals (appraisal as congruent with ideals) batchInterArrival (batch inter arrival)
AppraisalAsDangerous (appraisal as dangerous) batchLatency (batch latency)
AppraisalAsDeliberate (appraisal as deliberate) before (before)
AppraisalAsDesirableConsequences (appraisal as desirable consequences) beforeOnPath (before on path)
AppraisalAsExpected (appraisal as expected) beforeOrEqual (before or equal)
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