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According to WordNet, the verb "break_down" has 8 sense(s).

202041877 fall apart; "the building crumbled after the explosion"; "Negotiations broke down".

201370126 cause to fall or collapse.

200643473 make a mathematical, chemical, or grammatical analysis of; break down into components or essential features; "analyze a specimen"; "analyze a sentence"; "analyze a chemical compound".

200209174 separate (substances) into constituent elements or parts.

201103836 make ineffective; "Martin Luther King tried to break down racial discrimination".

200030647 collapse due to fatigue, an illness, or a sudden attack.

200434374 stop operating or functioning; "The engine finally went"; "The car died on the road"; "The bus we travelled in broke down on the way to town"; "The coffee maker broke"; "The engine failed on the way to town"; "her eyesight went after the accident".

201784295 lose control of one's emotions; "When she heard that she had not passed the exam, she lost it completely"; "When her baby died, she snapped".

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