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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Adjective Synset: 302584981

Words: worthy

Gloss: having worth or merit or value; being honorable or admirable; "a worthy fellow"; "a worthy cause"

also see 300904163 - estimable
also see 301129977 - good
also see 301226240 - honorable, honourable
also see 302036578 - righteous
also see 302500884 - valuable
attribute 104806804 - worthiness
derivationally related 110792506 - worthy
derivationally related 104806804 - worthiness
derivationally related 105138208 - worth
antonym 302588099 - unworthy
similar to 302585545 - applaudable, commendable, laudable, praiseworthy
similar to 302585919 - creditable
similar to 302586089 - cum_laude
similar to 302586206 - deserving, worth
similar to 302586446 - exemplary, model
similar to 302586608 - magna_cum_laude
similar to 302586747 - meritable, meritorious
similar to 302586957 - notable, noteworthy
similar to 302587083 - quotable
similar to 302587261 - sacred
similar to 302587407 - summa_cum_laude
similar to 302587556 - precious, valued
similar to 302587738 - valuable, worthful
similar to 302587936 - worthwhile

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