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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Adjective Synset: 302570282

Words: foolish

Gloss: devoid of good sense or judgment; "foolish remarks"; "a foolish decision"

also see 301814085 - impolitic
also see 301899360 - imprudent
also see 300067767 - inadvisable, unadvisable
also see 300068278 - ill-advised, unadvised
derivationally related 105647156 - craziness, folly, foolishness, madness
antonym 302569130 - wise
similar to 302570643 - absurd, cockeyed, derisory, idiotic, laughable, ludicrous, nonsensical, preposterous, ridiculous
similar to 302571277 - asinine, fatuous, inane, mindless, vacuous
similar to 302571536 - cockamamie, cockamamy, goofy, sappy, silly, wacky, whacky, zany
similar to 302571903 - fond
similar to 302572038 - harebrained, insane, mad
similar to 302572267 - ill-conceived, misguided
similar to 302572420 - rattlebrained, rattlepated, scatterbrained, scatty
similar to 302572657 - unwise

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