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SUMO Search Tool

This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Adjective Synset: 302415390

Words: thick

Gloss: relatively dense in consistency; "thick cream"; "thick soup"; "thick smoke"; "thick fog"

attribute 104936403 - thickness
attribute 104934546 - body, consistence, consistency, eubstance
derivationally related 104936403 - thickness
antonym 302417301 - thin
similar to 302415764 - clogged, clotted
similar to 302415938 - coagulable
similar to 302416036 - coagulate, coagulated, curdled, grumose, grumous
similar to 302416285 - creamy
similar to 302416390 - dense, heavy, impenetrable
similar to 302416610 - gelatinlike, gelatinous, jellylike
similar to 302416765 - ropey, ropy, stringy, thready
similar to 302416898 - soupy
similar to 302417028 - syrupy, viscous
similar to 302417170 - thickened

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