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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Adjective Synset: 302333453

Words: unsuccessful

Gloss: not successful; having failed or having an unfavorable outcome

also see 300694608 - defeated
also see 301049462 - unfortunate
also see 301871949 - unprofitable
attribute 114474894 - success
antonym 302331262 - successful
similar to 302333880 - attempted
similar to 302333976 - defeated, disappointed, discomfited, foiled, frustrated, thwarted
similar to 302334321 - done_for, ruined, sunk, undone, washed-up
similar to 302334436 - down-and-out
similar to 302334561 - empty-handed, unrewarded
similar to 302334717 - hitless
similar to 302334854 - no-win
similar to 302334973 - out
similar to 302335119 - goalless, hitless, scoreless
similar to 302335241 - self-defeating
similar to 302335393 - unfulfilled, unrealised, unrealized
similar to 302335602 - unplaced
similar to 302335708 - winless

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