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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Adjective Synset: 302303077

Words: unsteady

Gloss: subject to change or variation; "her unsteady walk"; "his hand was unsteady as he poured the wine"; "an unsteady voice"

also see 300085264 - agitated
also see 301960656 - irregular
also see 300911327 - uneven
also see 302291843 - unstable
derivationally related 104773182 - unsteadiness
antonym 302301560 - steady
similar to 302303575 - arrhythmic, jerking, jerky
similar to 302303754 - convulsive, spasmodic, spastic
similar to 302304035 - faltering
similar to 302304119 - aflicker, flickering
similar to 302304208 - fluctuating
similar to 302304322 - palpitant, palpitating
similar to 302304565 - shaky, shivering, trembling
similar to 302304987 - quavering, tremulous
similar to 302305176 - shifting, shifty
similar to 302305394 - shuddering
similar to 302305484 - tottering, tottery
similar to 302305651 - uneven
similar to 302305786 - wobbling

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