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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Adjective Synset: 302019021

Words: rhythmic, rhythmical

Gloss: recurring with measured regularity; "the rhythmic chiming of church bells"- John Galsworthy; "rhythmical prose"

also see 301959294 - regular
derivationally related 115287830 - cycle, rhythm, round
derivationally related 104768028 - regular_recurrence, rhythm
derivationally related 104991511 - rhythmicity
derivationally related 104768028 - regular_recurrence, rhythm
antonym 302021050 - unrhythmic, unrhythmical
similar to 302019470 - Adonic
similar to 302019635 - cadenced, cadent
similar to 302019805 - danceable
similar to 302019881 - jazzy
similar to 302020011 - lilting, swinging, swingy, tripping
similar to 302020310 - measured, metric, metrical
similar to 302020495 - Sapphic
similar to 302020609 - chantlike, intoned, singsong
similar to 302020810 - syncopated
similar to 302020897 - throbbing

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