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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Adjective Synset: 301943406

Words: reasonable, sensible

Gloss: showing reason or sound judgment; "a sensible choice"; "a sensible person"

also see 300956131 - fair, just
also see 301430111 - logical
also see 301925372 - rational
also see 302498708 - valid
attribute 105160574 - reasonableness
derivationally related 105151701 - sensibleness
derivationally related 104783888 - reasonableness, tenability, tenableness
derivationally related 105160574 - reasonableness
antonym 301944660 - unreasonable
similar to 301943746 - commonsense, commonsensible, commonsensical
similar to 301944088 - healthy, intelligent, level-headed, levelheaded, sound
similar to 301944492 - tenable, well-founded

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