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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Adjective Synset: 301858094

Words: private

Gloss: confined to particular persons or groups or providing privacy; "a private place"; "private discussions"; "private lessons"; "a private club"; "a private secretary"; "private property"; "the former President is now a private citizen"; "public figures struggle to maintain a private life"

also see 300898963 - esoteric
also see 301767329 - personal
derivationally related 104622932 - privacy, privateness, seclusion
antonym 301861205 - public
similar to 301858740 - clannish, cliquish, clubby, snobbish, snobby
similar to 301859055 - cloistered, reclusive, secluded, sequestered
similar to 301859368 - close
similar to 301859466 - closed-door
similar to 301859571 - confidential, secret
similar to 301859801 - confidential
similar to 301859970 - insular
similar to 301860207 - nonpublic
similar to 301860328 - backstage, offstage
similar to 301860465 - one-on-one
similar to 301860580 - privy, secluded, secret
similar to 301860765 - semiprivate
similar to 301860890 - head-to-head, tete-a-tete
similar to 301861095 - toffee-nosed

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