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SUMO Search Tool

This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Adjective Synset: 301812237

Words: bright, burnished, lustrous, shining, shiny

Gloss: made smooth and bright by or as if by rubbing; reflecting a sheen or glow; "bright silver candlesticks"; "a burnished brass knocker"; "she brushed her hair until it fell in lustrous auburn waves"; "rows of shining glasses"; "shiny black patents"

similar to 301811997 - polished
derivationally related 104953954 - effulgence, radiance, radiancy, refulgence, refulgency, shine
derivationally related 104954683 - luster, lustre, sheen, shininess
derivationally related 105018103 - brightness, brightness_level, light, luminance, luminosity, luminousness

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