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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Adjective Synset: 301279978

Words: unimportant

Gloss: not important; "a relatively unimportant feature of the system"; "the question seems unimportant"

also see 301497736 - meaningless, nonmeaningful
also see 300902652 - inessential, unessential
also see 302164402 - insignificant, unimportant
attribute 105168261 - importance
derivationally related 114436438 - humbleness, lowliness, obscureness, unimportance
derivationally related 105172596 - unimportance
antonym 301275562 - important, of_import
similar to 301280349 - inconsequent, inconsequential
similar to 301280576 - immaterial, indifferent
similar to 301280908 - fiddling, footling, lilliputian, little, niggling, petty, picayune, piddling, piffling, trivial
similar to 301281559 - lightweight
similar to 301281695 - nickel-and-dime, small-time
similar to 301281874 - potty

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