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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Adjective Synset: 301275562

Words: important, of_import

Gloss: of great significance or value; "important people"; "the important questions of the day"

also see 300900616 - essential
also see 302161432 - important, significant
also see 302500884 - valuable
attribute 105168261 - importance
derivationally related 105168261 - importance
antonym 301279978 - unimportant
similar to 301276150 - all-important, all_important, crucial, essential, of_the_essence
similar to 301276482 - alpha
similar to 301276693 - beta
similar to 301276872 - big
similar to 301276992 - burning
similar to 301277097 - cardinal, central, fundamental, key, primal
similar to 301277426 - chief, main, master, primary, principal
similar to 301277753 - consequential, eventful
similar to 301277952 - Copernican
similar to 301278080 - distinguished
similar to 301278251 - grand
similar to 301278423 - grave, grievous, heavy, weighty
similar to 301278818 - great, outstanding
similar to 301279028 - historic
similar to 301279183 - in-chief
similar to 301279310 - measurable
similar to 301279431 - most-valuable
similar to 301279611 - serious
similar to 301279735 - strategic

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