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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Adjective Synset: 301195536

Words: helpful

Gloss: providing assistance or serving a useful function

also see 300020787 - accommodating, accommodative
also see 300619972 - cooperative
also see 300866471 - encouraging
also see 302495922 - useful, utile
derivationally related 105149695 - helpfulness
antonym 301198019 - unhelpful
similar to 301195963 - accommodating
similar to 301196098 - adjuvant
similar to 301196276 - assistive
similar to 301196367 - face-saving
similar to 301196484 - facilitative
similar to 301196648 - facilitatory
similar to 301196775 - implemental, instrumental, subservient
similar to 301197024 - laborsaving, laboursaving
similar to 301197207 - ministrant
similar to 301197386 - reformative, reformatory
similar to 301197634 - right-hand
similar to 301197737 - stabilising, stabilizing
similar to 301197899 - steadying

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