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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Adjective Synset: 301149494

Words: unhappy

Gloss: experiencing or marked by or causing sadness or sorrow or discontent; "unhappy over her departure"; "unhappy with her raise"; "after the argument they lapsed into an unhappy silence"; "had an unhappy time at school"; "the unhappy (or sad) news"; "he looks so sad"

also see 300703109 - dejected
also see 300589624 - discontent, discontented
also see 300909363 - distressed, dysphoric, unhappy
also see 301000881 - infelicitous
also see 301368192 - joyless
also see 301361863 - sad
also see 301364008 - sorrowful
also see 300364479 - cheerless, depressing, uncheerful
attribute 113987423 - felicity, happiness
attribute 107526757 - happiness
derivationally related 113988663 - unhappiness
derivationally related 107532440 - sadness, unhappiness
antonym 301148283 - happy
similar to 301150063 - lovesick
similar to 301150205 - miserable, suffering, wretched

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