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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Adjective Synset: 301080297

Words: fruitful

Gloss: productive or conducive to producing in abundance; "be fruitful and multiply"

also see 301001689 - fertile
also see 301865197 - productive
derivationally related 105147381 - fecundity, fruitfulness
antonym 301082535 - unfruitful
similar to 301080717 - baccate, bacciferous, berried
similar to 301080823 - blue-fruited
similar to 301080900 - bountiful, plentiful
similar to 301081068 - breeding
similar to 301081263 - dark-fruited
similar to 301081340 - fat, fertile, productive, rich
similar to 301081592 - generative, procreative, reproductive
similar to 301081917 - high-yield
similar to 301082038 - oval-fruited
similar to 301082115 - fertile, prolific
similar to 301082302 - red-fruited
similar to 301082377 - round-fruited
similar to 301082456 - small-fruited

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