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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Adjective Synset: 300885695

Words: enthusiastic

Gloss: having or showing great excitement and interest; "enthusiastic crowds filled the streets"; "an enthusiastic response"; "was enthusiastic about taking ballet lessons"

also see 301725712 - passionate
also see 302278939 - spirited
derivationally related 107555014 - enthusiasm
derivationally related 105670343 - enthusiasm
antonym 300887062 - unenthusiastic
similar to 300886117 - ardent, warm
similar to 300886253 - avid, zealous
similar to 300886448 - crazy, dotty, gaga, wild
similar to 300886681 - evangelical, evangelistic
similar to 300886804 - glowing
similar to 300886895 - gung_ho
similar to 300886980 - overenthusiastic

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