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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Adjective Synset: 300804695

Words: lively

Gloss: full of life and energy; "a lively discussion"; "lively and attractive parents"; "a lively party"

also see 300091311 - alert, watchful
also see 300118567 - alive, animated
also see 300873603 - energetic
also see 302434605 - rested
also see 302278939 - spirited
attribute 104632157 - life, liveliness, spirit, sprightliness
derivationally related 100552436 - animation, liveliness
antonym 300806512 - dull
similar to 300805115 - alive
similar to 300805309 - bouncing, bouncy, peppy, spirited, zippy
similar to 300805566 - breezy
similar to 300805676 - bubbly
similar to 300805810 - bubbling, effervescent, frothy, scintillating, sparkly
similar to 300806064 - burbling, burbly, effusive, gushing
similar to 300806243 - live
similar to 300806387 - warm

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