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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Adjective Synset: 300727564

Words: independent

Gloss: free from external control and constraint; "an independent mind"; "a series of independent judgments"; "fiercely independent individualism"

also see 301061489 - free
also see 302109678 - separate
attribute 113994148 - independence, independency
derivationally related 113994148 - independence, independency
derivationally related 113994148 - independence, independency
antonym 300725772 - dependent
similar to 300728103 - autarkic, autarkical
similar to 300728225 - autonomous, self-directed, self-reliant
similar to 300728431 - autonomous
similar to 300728619 - breakaway, fissiparous, separatist
similar to 300728826 - commutative
similar to 300728993 - free-living, nonparasitic, nonsymbiotic
similar to 300729133 - indie
similar to 300729246 - case-by-case, individual, item-by-item
similar to 300729439 - self-sufficient, self-sufficing, self-sustaining
similar to 300729647 - self-supporting
similar to 300729776 - single-handed
similar to 300729894 - strong-minded
similar to 300730009 - unaffiliated
similar to 300730082 - unconditional

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