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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Adjective Synset: 300386392

Words: achromatic, neutral

Gloss: having no hue; "neutral colors like black or white"

also see 300404202 - colorless, colourless
attribute 104975122 - chromaticity, hue
derivationally related 200524530 - achromatise, achromatize
antonym 300366691 - chromatic
similar to 300387392 - argent, silver, silverish, silvery
similar to 300387593 - ash-gray, ash-grey, ashy
similar to 300387699 - blackish
similar to 300387808 - black-gray, black-grey, blackish-gray, blackish-grey
similar to 300387922 - blue-white, bluish-white, cool-white
similar to 300388032 - blue-gray, blue-grey, bluish-gray, bluish-grey
similar to 300388152 - blue-black, bluish_black
similar to 300388249 - brown-black, brownish-black
similar to 300388350 - brown-gray, brown-grey, brownish-gray, brownish-grey
similar to 300388477 - canescent
similar to 300388571 - chalky
similar to 300388725 - charcoal, charcoal-gray, charcoal-grey
similar to 300388849 - coal-black, jet, jet-black, pitchy, sooty
similar to 300389035 - cottony-white
similar to 300389150 - dull-white
similar to 300389231 - ebon, ebony
similar to 300389310 - gray, grayish, grey, greyish
similar to 300389607 - gray-black, grayish-black, grey-black, greyish-black
similar to 300389734 - gray-white, grayish-white, grey-white, greyish-white
similar to 300389861 - greenish-gray, greenish-grey
similar to 300389962 - green-white, greenish-white
similar to 300390071 - hueless
similar to 300390195 - ink-black, inky, inky-black
similar to 300390332 - iron-gray, iron-grey
similar to 300390461 - lily-white
similar to 300390539 - milk-white
similar to 300390630 - olive-gray, olive-grey
similar to 300390725 - dark-gray, dark-grey, oxford-gray, oxford-grey
similar to 300390844 - pearl_gray, pearl_grey
similar to 300390943 - pearly, pearly-white
similar to 300391077 - pinkish-white
similar to 300391162 - purple-black, purplish-black
similar to 300391265 - purple-white, purplish-white
similar to 300391368 - red-gray, red-grey, reddish-gray, reddish-grey
similar to 300391487 - sable
similar to 300391572 - silver-gray, silver-grey, silvery-gray, silvery-grey
similar to 300391699 - silver-white, silvery-white
similar to 300391806 - slate-black
similar to 300391897 - slate-gray, slate-grey, slatey, slaty, slaty-gray, slaty-grey, stone-gray, stone-grey
similar to 300392093 - snow-white, snowy
similar to 300392184 - soot-black, sooty-black
similar to 300392281 - violet-black
similar to 300392367 - white-flowered
similar to 300392460 - off-white, whitish
similar to 300392574 - yellow-gray, yellow-grey, yellowish-gray, yellowish-grey
similar to 300392706 - yellow-white, yellowish-white

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