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SUMO Search Tool

This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Adjective Synset: 300344125

Words: changeable, changeful

Gloss: such that alteration is possible; having a marked tendency to change; "changeable behavior"; "changeable moods"; "changeable prices"

also see 300917613 - exchangeable
also see 300583990 - inconstant
attribute 104733640 - changeability, changeableness
derivationally related 104734885 - changefulness, inconstancy
derivationally related 104733640 - changeability, changeableness
antonym 300346991 - unchangeable
similar to 300344686 - adjustable
similar to 300344816 - astatic
similar to 300344890 - checkered
similar to 300345005 - distortable
similar to 300345189 - erratic, fickle, mercurial, quicksilver
similar to 300345494 - fluid, unstable
similar to 300345694 - fluid, mobile
similar to 300345860 - jittering
similar to 300345949 - kaleidoscopic, kaleidoscopical
similar to 300346103 - mobile
similar to 300346246 - open-ended
similar to 300346368 - quick-change
similar to 300346527 - quick-drying
similar to 300346626 - reversible
similar to 300346847 - volatile

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