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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Adjective Synset: 300227507

Words: best

Gloss: (superlative of `good') having the most positive qualities; "the best film of the year"; "the best solution"; "the best time for planting"; "wore his best suit"

also see 301123148 - good
also see 300504592 - incomparable, uncomparable
also see 302341266 - superior
also see 302439949 - top
domain usage 106693870 - superlative
derivationally related 100127531 - best
antonym 300229630 - worst
similar to 300228025 - champion, prizewinning
similar to 300228173 - high-grade, top-grade, top-quality
similar to 300228294 - first, foremost, world-class
similar to 300228485 - Sunday-go-to-meeting, go-to-meeting
similar to 300228645 - optimal, optimum
similar to 300228876 - primo
similar to 300228967 - record-breaking
similar to 300229130 - second-best
similar to 300229227 - superfine
similar to 300229371 - unexceeded, unexcelled, unsurpassed
similar to 300229487 - unsurpassable

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