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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Adjective Synset: 300191603

Words: incognizant, unaware

Gloss: (often followed by `of') not aware; "seemed unaware of the scrutiny"; "unaware of the danger they were in"; "unaware of the newborn hope"; "the most unaware person I've known"

also see 300187736 - asleep
also see 302102796 - insensible
also see 300571643 - unconscious
also see 300192880 - unwitting
attribute 105675905 - awareness, cognisance, cognizance, consciousness, knowingness
derivationally related 105676476 - incognizance
derivationally related 105679611 - unawareness, unknowingness
antonym 300190115 - aware, cognisant, cognizant
similar to 300192026 - oblivious, unmindful
similar to 300192332 - unconscious
similar to 300192523 - unsuspecting

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