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SUMO Search Tool

This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Verb Synset: 202193194

Words: discern, distinguish, make_out, pick_out, recognise, recognize, spot, tell_apart

Gloss: detect with the senses; "The fleeing convicts were picked out of the darkness by the watchful prison guards"; "I can't make out the faces in this photograph"

entailment 202106506 - comprehend, perceive
derivationally related 301747195 - discernible
derivationally related 301287486 - discernible, evident, observable
derivationally related 300581812 - discernable, discernible
derivationally related 105710210 - discernment, perceptiveness
hyponym 202193612 - resolve
hyponym 202193765 - discriminate

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