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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Verb Synset: 202066939

Words: course, feed, flow, run

Gloss: move along, of liquids; "Water flowed into the cave"; "the Missouri feeds into the Mississippi"

hypernym 201831531 - move
derivationally related 108681222 - course, trend
derivationally related 100329227 - flow, stream
derivationally related 115277730 - flow, flow_rate, rate_of_flow
derivationally related 107405893 - flow, flowing
derivationally related 107405893 - flow, flowing
also see 202634567 - be_due, flow_from
derivationally related 109415938 - rill, rivulet, run, runnel, streamlet
derivationally related 107407777 - discharge, outpouring, run
also see 202072159 - brim_over, overflow, overrun, run_over, well_over
hyponym 200455212 - flush
hyponym 201516290 - gush, jet
hyponym 201903756 - surge, tide
hyponym 202042404 - circulate
hyponym 202047650 - eddy, purl, swirl, whirl, whirlpool
hyponym 202067889 - run_off, waste
hyponym 202068223 - run_down
hyponym 202069248 - pour
hyponym 202069888 - run_out, spill
hyponym 202070466 - stream, well_out
hyponym 202070874 - dribble, filter, trickle
hyponym 202071457 - drain, run_out
hyponym 202071974 - ooze, seep
hyponym 202084879 - gutter

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