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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Verb Synset: 201329239

Words: run_up, sew, sew_together, stitch

Gloss: fasten by sewing; do needlework

entailment 201291069 - conjoin, join
hypernym 201340439 - fasten, fix, secure
derivationally related 104321238 - stitch
derivationally related 110657306 - stitcher
derivationally related 100715674 - sewing, stitching
derivationally related 104179385 - sewing, stitchery
derivationally related 110584318 - sewer
derivationally related 100715674 - sewing, stitching
hyponym 201329732 - hem
hyponym 201329875 - resew
hyponym 201330093 - overcast
hyponym 201330269 - overcast
hyponym 201330567 - backstitch
hyponym 201330822 - gather, pucker, tuck
hyponym 201331147 - finedraw
hyponym 201331237 - fell
hyponym 201331348 - baste, tack
hyponym 201331518 - hemstitch
hyponym 201331689 - retick, tick
hyponym 201671463 - cast_on
hyponym 201671609 - cast_off

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