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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Verb Synset: 201285440

Words: bind, tie

Gloss: fasten or secure with a rope, string, or cord; "They tied their victim to the chair"

hypernym 201340439 - fasten, fix, secure
derivationally related 300161684 - bindable, bondable
derivationally related 102840361 - binder, reaper_binder
derivationally related 104433185 - tie
derivationally related 103673971 - link, linkup, tie, tie-in
derivationally related 110710403 - tier, tier_up
derivationally related 104434059 - tier
derivationally related 100149084 - ligature, tying
antonym 201284461 - unbrace, unlace, untie
also see 201286913 - bind, tie_down, tie_up, truss
also see 201286913 - bind, tie_down, tie_up, truss
hyponym 201284683 - gag, muzzle
hyponym 201285286 - retie
hyponym 201286038 - bind_off, tie_up
hyponym 201286290 - loop
hyponym 201286674 - cord
hyponym 201287537 - lash_together
hyponym 201287797 - truss
hyponym 201289155 - leash, rope
hyponym 201289492 - strap
hyponym 201300144 - knot
hyponym 201303707 - lash
hyponym 201304342 - band
hyponym 201521603 - lace, lace_up

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