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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Verb Synset: 201131902

Words: bomb, bombard

Gloss: throw bombs at or attack with bombs; "The Americans bombed Dresden"

hypernym 201119169 - assail, attack
derivationally related 109864536 - bomber
derivationally related 102867715 - bomber
derivationally related 102866578 - bomb
derivationally related 100978413 - bombardment, bombing
derivationally related 100978413 - bombardment, bombing
hyponym 201132355 - carpet_bomb
hyponym 201132541 - bomb_out
hyponym 201132667 - dive-bomb
hyponym 201132797 - glide-bomb
hyponym 201132880 - skip-bomb
hyponym 201132980 - atom-bomb, nuke
hyponym 201133096 - hydrogen-bomb
hyponym 201133194 - pattern-bomb
hyponym 201133288 - atomise, atomize, nuke, zap
hyponym 201133488 - letter_bomb
hyponym 201133667 - firebomb
hyponym 201135922 - blast, shell

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