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Gloss: give a summary (of); "he summed up his results"; "I will now summarize"
hypernym 200958334 - ingeminate, iterate, reiterate, repeat, restate, retell
derivationally related 106469694 - resume, sketch, survey
derivationally related 106467445 - summarisation, summarization
derivationally related 106467007 - sum-up, summary
derivationally related 106467445 - summarisation, summarization
derivationally related 106467007 - sum-up, summary
hyponym 201008288 - abstract
hyponym 201008437 - precis
hyponym 201008546 - docket
hyponym 201008903 - recap, recapitulate
verb group 202752695 - sum, sum_up, summarise, summarize
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