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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the
ontology by means of mappings to
WordNet synsets.
Gloss: restate (words) from one language into another language; "I have to translate when my in-laws from Austria visit the U.S."; "Can you interpret the speech of the visiting dignitaries?"; "She rendered the French poem into English"; "He translates for the U.N."
hypernym 200958334 - ingeminate, iterate, reiterate, repeat, restate, retell
derivationally related 110212501 - interpreter, translator
derivationally related 106575932 - interpreter, interpretive_program
derivationally related 106536389 - interlingual_rendition, rendering, translation, version
derivationally related 110725280 - transcriber, translator
derivationally related 110212501 - interpreter, translator
hyponym 200960369 - retranslate
hyponym 200960453 - mistranslate
hyponym 200960961 - gloss
hyponym 200961243 - Latinize
verb group 202728142 - translate
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