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Gloss: know and comprehend the nature or meaning of; "She did not understand her husband"; "I understand what she means"
derivationally related 300533452 - apprehensible, graspable, intelligible, perceivable, understandable
derivationally related 105805475 - apprehension, discernment, savvy, understanding
hyponym 200588221 - apprehend, compass, comprehend, dig, get_the_picture, grasp, grok, savvy
hyponym 200589309 - sense
hyponym 200589738 - follow
hyponym 200589904 - catch, get
hyponym 200590642 - touch
hyponym 200593852 - interpret, read, translate, understand
hyponym 200620239 - read
hyponym 200623151 - construe, interpret, see
hyponym 200626300 - make_out
hyponym 200634906 - figure_out, lick, puzzle_out, solve, work, work_out
hyponym 200728954 - bottom, fathom, penetrate
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