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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Verb Synset: 200078760

Words: care_for, treat

Gloss: provide treatment for; "The doctor treated my broken leg"; "The nurses cared for the bomb victims"; "The patient must be treated right away or she will die"; "Treat the infection with antibiotics"

derivationally related 100658082 - intervention, treatment
hyponym 200003133 - hyperventilate
hyponym 200064487 - massage
hyponym 200073813 - purge
hyponym 200079470 - correct
hyponym 200079629 - insufflate
hyponym 200079788 - detox, detoxify
hyponym 200079951 - irrigate
hyponym 200080169 - iodise, iodize
hyponym 200080304 - doctor
hyponym 200080589 - vet
hyponym 200080705 - nurse
hyponym 200080929 - manipulate
hyponym 200081072 - administer, dispense
hyponym 200082563 - relieve, remedy
hyponym 200082714 - dress
hyponym 200083661 - splint
hyponym 200083809 - operate, operate_on
hyponym 200084230 - medicate, medicine
hyponym 200086077 - bleed, leech, phlebotomise, phlebotomize
hyponym 200087290 - cup, transfuse
hyponym 200090386 - shock
hyponym 200108909 - pack
hyponym 200373766 - burn, cauterise, cauterize
hyponym 200643197 - analyse, analyze, psychoanalyse, psychoanalyze

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