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SUMO Search Tool

This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Verb Synset: 200067999

Words: exudate, exude, ooze, ooze_out, transude

Gloss: release (a liquid) in drops or small quantities; "exude sweat through the pores"

hypernym 200072989 - egest, eliminate, excrete, pass
derivationally related 107432119 - ooze, oozing, seepage
derivationally related 107432119 - ooze, oozing, seepage
derivationally related 107432337 - exudation, transudation
derivationally related 114852913 - exudate, exudation
derivationally related 114852913 - exudate, exudation
derivationally related 107432337 - exudation, transudation
derivationally related 114852913 - exudate, exudation
hyponym 200068467 - distil, distill
hyponym 200068627 - fume, reek
hyponym 200068740 - transpire
hyponym 200068858 - extravasate
hyponym 200069012 - stream
hyponym 200069166 - gum
hyponym 200069295 - release, secrete
hyponym 200109389 - froth

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