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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

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Noun Synset: 115219351

Words: Hindu_calendar_month

Gloss: any lunisolar month in the Hindu calendar

hypernym 115209413 - calendar_month, month
part holonym 115179415 - Hindu_calendar
hyponym 115219694 - Caitra, Chait
hyponym 115220027 - Baisakh, Vaisakha
hyponym 115220149 - Jeth, Jyaistha
hyponym 115220267 - Asadha, Asarh
hyponym 115220385 - Sawan, Sravana
hyponym 115220503 - Bhadon, Bhadrapada
hyponym 115220625 - Asin, Asvina
hyponym 115220743 - Kartik, Karttika
hyponym 115220864 - Aghan, Margasivsa
hyponym 115220985 - Pansa, Pus
hyponym 115221099 - Magh, Magha
hyponym 115221474 - Phagun, Phalguna

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