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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 114985383

Words: dye, dyestuff

Gloss: a usually soluble substance for staining or coloring e.g. fabrics or hair

hypernym 114984973 - color, coloring_material, colour, colouring_material
derivationally related 200283090 - dye
hyponym 114754378 - acid_dye
hyponym 114754705 - alizarin_yellow
hyponym 114754860 - anil, indigo, indigotin
hyponym 114754985 - aniline_dye
hyponym 114770500 - azo_dye
hyponym 114773275 - basic_color, basic_colour, basic_dye
part meronym 114808147 - chromophore
hyponym 114986593 - blue, blueing, bluing
hyponym 114986719 - bromophenol_blue, bromphenol_blue, tetrabromo-phenolsulfonephthalein
hyponym 114986890 - bromothymol_blue, bromthymol_blue
hyponym 114987025 - cochineal
hyponym 114987150 - cyanine_dye
hyponym 114987341 - direct_dye, substantive_dye
hyponym 114987695 - fluorescein, fluoresceine, fluorescent_dye, resorcinolphthalein
hyponym 114988337 - fluorochrome
hyponym 114988502 - hair_coloring, hair_dye
hyponym 114988961 - Kendal, Kendal_green
hyponym 114989106 - lac_dye
hyponym 114989243 - lead_acetate, sugar_of_lead
hyponym 114989430 - archil, cudbear, orchil
hyponym 115000858 - quercitron
hyponym 115001212 - radiopaque_dye
hyponym 115001500 - saffranine, safranin, safranine
hyponym 115001753 - Tyrian_purple
hyponym 115001887 - vat_color, vat_dye
hyponym 115002138 - woad

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