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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

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Noun Synset: 114813182

Words: clay

Gloss: a very fine-grained soil that is plastic when moist but hard when fired

hypernym 114844693 - dirt, soil
substance holonym 102897820 - brick
substance holonym 115074568 - roofing_tile, tile
substance holonym 103992703 - clayware, pottery
hyponym 114600927 - adobe
hyponym 114602597 - argil
substance meronym 114654541 - Si, atomic_number_14, silicon
hyponym 114670639 - china_clay, china_stone, kaolin, kaoline, porcelain_clay, terra_alba
hyponym 114695069 - red_clay
hyponym 114813560 - pipeclay, terra_alba
hyponym 114813709 - bentonite
hyponym 114813843 - fireclay
hyponym 114813957 - Kitty_Litter
hyponym 114814125 - potter's_clay, potter's_earth
hyponym 114828683 - daub

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