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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 114548343

Words: disability, disablement, handicap, impairment

Gloss: the condition of being unable to perform as a consequence of physical or mental unfitness; "reading disability"; "hearing impairment"

hypernym 114547369 - softness, unfitness
derivationally related 200091968 - disable, handicap, incapacitate, invalid
derivationally related 200512186 - disable, disenable, incapacitate
derivationally related 200091968 - disable, handicap, incapacitate, invalid
derivationally related 301019283 - disabled, handicapped
hyponym 105561834 - bandy_leg, bandyleg, bow_leg, bowleg, genu_varum, tibia_vara
hyponym 114056588 - anorgasmia
hyponym 114099785 - dysphasia
hyponym 114548913 - disability_of_walking
hyponym 114550366 - astasia
hyponym 114550469 - amputation
hyponym 114550797 - hearing_disorder, hearing_impairment
hyponym 114552355 - dysomia
hyponym 114552802 - vision_defect, visual_defect, visual_disorder, visual_impairment
hyponym 114559208 - descensus, prolapse, prolapsus
hyponym 114559852 - hypesthesia, hypoesthesia
hyponym 114559983 - genu_valgum, knock-knee, tibia_valga
hyponym 114560115 - pigeon_toes
hyponym 114560253 - bandy_legs, bow_leg, bow_legs
hyponym 114561461 - disintegration

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