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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 114509712

Words: intoxication, poisoning, toxic_condition

Gloss: the physiological state produced by a poison or other toxic substance

hypernym 114034177 - physical_condition, physiological_condition, physiological_state
derivationally related 200088532 - intoxicate
hyponym 114510104 - alkali_poisoning
hyponym 114510247 - caffeine_intoxication, caffeinism
hyponym 114510401 - carbon_monoxide_poisoning
hyponym 114510648 - cyanide_poisoning
hyponym 114510955 - ergotism
hyponym 114511234 - mercury_poisoning
hyponym 114511730 - naphthalene_poisoning
hyponym 114511862 - nicotine_poisoning
hyponym 114512009 - ophidism
hyponym 114512088 - paraquat_poisoning
hyponym 114512508 - pesticide_poisoning
hyponym 114512674 - salicylate_poisoning

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