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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 114235200

Words: neoplasm, tumor, tumour

Gloss: an abnormal new mass of tissue that serves no purpose

hypernym 114234074 - growth
derivationally related 302768271 - neoplastic
hyponym 114235667 - acanthoma, skin_tumor
hyponym 114235928 - angioma
hyponym 114236226 - benign_tumor, benign_tumour, nonmalignant_neoplasm, nonmalignant_tumor, nonmalignant_tumour
hyponym 114236595 - blastocytoma, blastoma, embryonal_carcinosarcoma
hyponym 114236743 - brain_tumor, brain_tumour
hyponym 114237148 - carcinoid
hyponym 114237489 - celioma
hyponym 114238639 - granuloma
hyponym 114239322 - adipose_tumor, lipoma
hyponym 114239425 - malignant_neoplasm, malignant_tumor, metastatic_tumor
hyponym 114239743 - meningioma
hyponym 114249138 - neurilemoma, neurofibroma
hyponym 114249262 - neuroma
hyponym 114250232 - phaeochromocytoma, pheochromocytoma
hyponym 114250433 - pinealoma
hyponym 114250514 - plasmacytoma
hyponym 114250622 - psammoma, sand_tumor
hyponym 114251045 - teratoma

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