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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 114151139

Words: congenital_disease, genetic_abnormality, genetic_defect, genetic_disease, genetic_disorder, hereditary_condition, hereditary_disease, inherited_disease, inherited_disorder

Gloss: a disease or disorder that is inherited genetically

hypernym 114070360 - disease
hyponym 114074877 - monogenic_disease, monogenic_disorder
hyponym 114075199 - polygenic_disease, polygenic_disorder
hyponym 114121804 - achondroplasia, achondroplasty, chondrodystrophy, osteosclerosis_congenita
hyponym 114151884 - abetalipoproteinemia
hyponym 114155834 - inborn_error_of_metabolism
hyponym 114156488 - Hirschsprung's_disease, congenital_megacolon
hyponym 114157527 - mucopolysaccharidosis
hyponym 114158594 - hyperbetalipoproteinemia
hyponym 114158997 - ichthyosis
hyponym 114159887 - branched_chain_ketoaciduria, maple_syrup_urine_disease
hyponym 114160179 - McArdle's_disease
hyponym 114160365 - dystrophy, muscular_dystrophy
hyponym 114160665 - oligodactyly
hyponym 114160786 - oligodontia
hyponym 114160903 - otosclerosis
hyponym 114162025 - autosomal_dominant_disease, autosomal_dominant_disorder
hyponym 114162275 - autosomal_recessive_defect, autosomal_recessive_disease
hyponym 114164866 - Fanconi's_anaemia, Fanconi's_anemia, congenital_pancytopenia
hyponym 114169128 - Spielmeyer-Vogt_disease, juvenile_amaurotic_idiocy
hyponym 114171492 - congenital_afibrinogenemia
hyponym 114210119 - Albers-Schonberg_disease, marble_bones_disease, osteopetrosis
hyponym 114367797 - nevoid_elephantiasis, pachyderma
hyponym 114506403 - dwarfism, nanism
hyponym 114506656 - lactase_deficiency, lactose_intolerance, milk_intolerance
hyponym 114507651 - porphyria
hyponym 114569121 - Wilson's_disease, hepatolenticular_degeneration

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