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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 114127211

Words: infectious_disease

Gloss: a disease transmitted only by a specific kind of contact

hypernym 114122053 - communicable_disease
hyponym 114127782 - AIDS, acquired_immune_deficiency_syndrome
hyponym 114128029 - Gibraltar_fever, Malta_fever, Mediterranean_fever, Rock_fever, brucellosis, undulant_fever
hyponym 114129579 - Asiatic_cholera, Indian_cholera, cholera, epidemic_cholera
hyponym 114129784 - breakbone_fever, dandy_fever, dengue, dengue_fever
hyponym 114129999 - dysentery
hyponym 114130166 - epidemic_disease
hyponym 114130354 - hepatitis
hyponym 114131950 - herpes
hyponym 114135277 - glandular_fever, infectious_mononucleosis, kissing_disease, mono, mononucleosis
hyponym 114136187 - Hansen's_disease, leprosy
hyponym 114137066 - listeria_meningitis, listeriosis
hyponym 114137829 - meningitis
hyponym 114138178 - epidemic_parotitis, mumps
hyponym 114138538 - paratyphoid, paratyphoid_fever
hyponym 114140176 - acute_anterior_poliomyelitis, infantile_paralysis, polio, poliomyelitis
hyponym 114140533 - ratbite_fever
hyponym 114140781 - rickettsial_disease, rickettsiosis
hyponym 114142459 - recurrent_fever, relapsing_fever
hyponym 114142768 - rheumatic_fever
hyponym 114143239 - miliary_fever, sweating_sickness
hyponym 114143415 - T.B., TB, tuberculosis
hyponym 114144416 - enteric_fever, typhoid, typhoid_fever
hyponym 114144626 - pertussis, whooping_cough
hyponym 114144761 - frambesia, framboesia, yaws
hyponym 114144960 - black_vomit, yellow_fever, yellow_jack

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