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English Word: 
Noun Synset: 114070360

Words: disease

Gloss: an impairment of health or a condition of abnormal functioning

hypernym 114061805 - illness, malady, sickness, unwellness
hyponym 114071235 - disease_of_the_neuromuscular_junction
hyponym 114071559 - aspergillosis
hyponym 114072423 - anthrax
hyponym 114073331 - blackwater
hyponym 114073906 - cat_scratch_disease
hyponym 114074041 - complication
hyponym 114074267 - crud
hyponym 114074394 - endemic, endemic_disease
hyponym 114074606 - enteropathy
hyponym 114076126 - incompetence
hyponym 114076270 - Kawasaki_disease, mucocutaneous_lymph_node_syndrome
hyponym 114076667 - pycnosis, pyknosis
hyponym 114078120 - Indian_tick_fever, Kenya_fever, Marseilles_fever, boutonneuse_fever
hyponym 114078421 - Meniere's_disease
hyponym 114078613 - milk_sickness
hyponym 114078733 - mimesis
hyponym 114079493 - industrial_disease, occupational_disease
hyponym 114079861 - onychosis
hyponym 114080210 - rheumatism
hyponym 114080352 - periarteritis_nodosa, polyarteritis_nodosa
hyponym 114080622 - periodontal_disease, periodontitis
hyponym 114116321 - liver_disease
hyponym 114122053 - communicable_disease
hyponym 114123759 - exanthema_subitum, pseudorubella, roseola_infantilis, roseola_infantum
hyponym 114145095 - respiratory_disease, respiratory_disorder, respiratory_illness
hyponym 114151139 - congenital_disease, genetic_abnormality, genetic_defect, genetic_disease, genetic_disorder, hereditary_condition, hereditary_disease, inherited_disease, inherited_disorder
hyponym 114171682 - inflammatory_disease
hyponym 114187378 - autoimmune_disease, autoimmune_disorder
hyponym 114198200 - deficiency_disease
hyponym 114198380 - cystic_breast_disease, cystic_mastitis, fibrocystic_breast_disease, fibrocystic_disease_of_the_breast
hyponym 114199477 - goiter, goitre, struma, thyromegaly
hyponym 114219487 - pappataci_fever, phlebotomus, sandfly_fever
hyponym 114219661 - disease_of_the_skin, skin_disease, skin_disorder
hyponym 114237561 - malignance, malignancy
hyponym 114252864 - eye_disease
hyponym 114253124 - animal_disease
hyponym 114276936 - plant_disease
part meronym 114299637 - symptom
part meronym 114301785 - sign
part meronym 114304060 - syndrome
hyponym 114352163 - ozaena, ozena
hyponym 114368032 - filariasis

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