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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 113819207

Words: ratio

Gloss: the relative magnitudes of two quantities (usually expressed as a quotient)

hypernym 113815152 - magnitude_relation, quantitative_relation
hyponym 113261242 - gross_margin, margin_of_profit, profit_margin
hyponym 113820000 - abundance
hyponym 113820239 - abundance
hyponym 113820432 - albedo, reflective_power
hyponym 113820544 - aspect_ratio
hyponym 113820655 - average
hyponym 113820826 - breadth_index, cephalic_index, cranial_index
hyponym 113820993 - efficiency
hyponym 113821272 - facial_index
hyponym 113821408 - f_number, focal_ratio, speed, stop_number
hyponym 113821570 - frequency, relative_frequency
hyponym 113821766 - haematocrit, hematocrit, packed_cell_volume
hyponym 113821977 - I.Q., IQ, intelligence_quotient
hyponym 113822569 - load_factor
hyponym 113822735 - loss_ratio
hyponym 113822876 - Mach_number
hyponym 113822995 - magnification
hyponym 113823150 - mechanical_advantage
hyponym 113823287 - fuel_consumption_rate, gas_mileage, gasoline_mileage, mileage
hyponym 113823483 - betting_odds, odds
hyponym 113823651 - magnitude, order_of_magnitude
hyponym 113823968 - output-to-input_ratio
hyponym 113824114 - prevalence
hyponym 113824340 - P/E_ratio, price-to-earnings_ratio
hyponym 113824500 - productivity
hyponym 113824675 - proportionality
hyponym 113824815 - quotient
hyponym 113824929 - index_of_refraction, refractive_index
hyponym 113825080 - relative_humidity
hyponym 113825292 - respiratory_quotient
hyponym 113825490 - factor_of_safety, safety_factor
hyponym 113825664 - S/N, signal-to-noise, signal-to-noise_ratio, signal/noise, signal/noise_ratio
hyponym 113825840 - stoichiometry
hyponym 113826084 - time_constant
hyponym 113826221 - employee_turnover, turnover, turnover_rate
hyponym 113826426 - loading
hyponym 113877129 - eccentricity

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