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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

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Noun Synset: 113135832

Words: seed

Gloss: a small hard fruit

hypernym 113134947 - fruit
derivationally related 302255069 - seedy
derivationally related 200179718 - seed
derivationally related 201500873 - seed, sow
derivationally related 201652429 - seed
hyponym 107770571 - edible_seed
hyponym 107929351 - coffee, coffee_bean, coffee_berry
hyponym 111685091 - pip
hyponym 111689197 - bonduc_nut, nicker_nut, nicker_seed
hyponym 111689367 - Job's_tears
hyponym 111689483 - oil-rich_seed, oilseed
hyponym 111946313 - safflower_seed
hyponym 112156819 - caryopsis, grain
hyponym 112306419 - ash-key
hyponym 112585373 - coquilla_nut
hyponym 112592839 - babassu_nut
hyponym 112593341 - cohune_nut
hyponym 112594533 - apple_nut, ivory_nut, vegetable_ivory
hyponym 112696830 - neem_seed
hyponym 112768682 - buckeye, conker, horse_chestnut
hyponym 112928819 - Mexican_jumping_bean, jumping_bean, jumping_seed
hyponym 113136316 - bean
hyponym 113136556 - nut
part meronym 113137010 - kernel, meat

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