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Noun Synset: 112582231

Words: palm, palm_tree

Gloss: any plant of the family Palmae having an unbranched trunk crowned by large pinnate or palmate leaves

hypernym 113104059 - tree
member holonym 112581381 - Arecaceae, Palmaceae, Palmae, family_Arecaceae, family_Palmaceae, family_Palmae, palm_family
hyponym 112582665 - sago_palm
hyponym 112582846 - feather_palm
hyponym 112583126 - fan_palm
hyponym 112586298 - calamus
hyponym 112586989 - fishtail_palm
hyponym 112587803 - Cocos_nucifera, coco, coco_palm, cocoa_palm, coconut, coconut_palm, coconut_tree
hyponym 112589142 - corozo, corozo_palm
hyponym 112591017 - Euterpe_oleracea, cabbage_palm
hyponym 112591351 - Livistona_australis, cabbage_palm, cabbage_tree
hyponym 112592058 - Nipa_fruticans, nipa_palm
hyponym 112594989 - Raffia_farinifera, Raffia_ruffia, raffia_palm
hyponym 112595964 - lady_palm
hyponym 112596709 - Roystonea_regia, royal_palm
hyponym 112596849 - Roystonea_oleracea, cabbage_palm

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