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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

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Noun Synset: 112431434

Words: alliaceous_plant

Gloss: bulbous plants having a characteristic pungent onion odor

hypernym 112425281 - liliaceous_plant
member holonym 112431128 - Allium, genus_Allium
hyponym 112431861 - wild_onion
hyponym 112432356 - Allium_ampeloprasum, Levant_garlic, kurrat, wild_leek
hyponym 112432574 - Allium_canadense, Canada_garlic, meadow_leek, rose_leek
hyponym 112432707 - Allium_carinatum, keeled_garlic
hyponym 112432808 - Allium_cepa, onion, onion_plant
hyponym 112434239 - Allium_porrum, leek, scallion
hyponym 112434483 - Allium_neopolitanum, Naples_garlic, daffodil_garlic, flowering_onion
hyponym 112434634 - Allium_paradoxum, few-flowered_leek
hyponym 112434775 - Allium_sativum, garlic
hyponym 112434985 - Allium_scorodoprasum, Spanish_garlic, giant_garlic, rocambole, sand_leek
hyponym 112435152 - Allium_schoenoprasum, chive, chives, cive, schnittlaugh
hyponym 112435338 - Allium_tricoccum, ramp, wild_leek
hyponym 112435649 - Allium_ursinum, Ramsons, wild_garlic, wood_garlic
hyponym 112435777 - Allium_tuberosum, Chinese_chive, Oriental_garlic, garlic_chive
hyponym 112435965 - Allium_sphaerocephalum, round-headed_leek
hyponym 112436090 - Allium_triquetrum, three-cornered_leek, triquetrous_leek

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