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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 112405714

Words: elm, elm_tree

Gloss: any of various trees of the genus Ulmus: important timber or shade trees

hypernym 113104059 - tree
member holonym 112405209 - Ulmus, genus_Ulmus
substance meronym 112406155 - elm, elmwood
hyponym 112406304 - Ulmus_alata, wing_elm, winged_elm
hyponym 112406488 - American_elm, Ulmus_americana, rock_elm, water_elm, white_elm
hyponym 112406715 - European_field_elm, Ulmus_carpinifolia, smooth-leaved_elm
hyponym 112406902 - Ulmus_crassifolia, cedar_elm
hyponym 112407079 - Ulmus_glabra, witch_elm, wych_elm
hyponym 112407222 - Dutch_elm, Ulmus_hollandica
hyponym 112407396 - Huntingdon_elm, Ulmus_hollandica_vegetata
hyponym 112407545 - Ulmus_laevis, water_elm
hyponym 112407715 - Chinese_elm, Ulmus_parvifolia
hyponym 112407890 - English_elm, European_elm, Ulmus_procera
hyponym 112408077 - Chinese_elm, Siberian_elm, Ulmus_pumila, dwarf_elm
hyponym 112408280 - Ulmus_rubra, red_elm, slippery_elm
hyponym 112408466 - Jersey_elm, Ulmus_campestris_sarniensis, Ulmus_campestris_wheatleyi, Ulmus_sarniensis, guernsey_elm, wheately_elm
hyponym 112408717 - September_elm, Ulmus_serotina, red_elm
hyponym 112408873 - Ulmus_thomasii, rock_elm

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